Squad Listing and Requests
Here is where you’ll find a list of squads and team-mates. The list will be updated as needed. If you need to be added onto a squad then please fill out the template below and post it in this thread. Requests for certain squads or certain team-mates/sensei’s can also be done here through the template. While I will try and fulfill everyone’s needs and wishes there is only so much I can do so there are not guarantees when it comes to requests.
Request TemplateName: Character Name
Rank: Current Rank of your Characteristic
Anything Special?: Is there anything special or unique about your character?
Special Requests?: Is there anywhere special you’d like to be, or anyone you’d want to be with?
- Code:
[b]Anything Special?:[/b]
[b]Special Requests?:[/b]
Squad Lists
Squad OneSensei: Uno Natake (Commander General)
Student 1: -
Student 2: -
Student 3: -
Squad TwoSensei: –
Student 1: -
Student 2: -
Student 3: -
Squad ThreeSensei: -
Student 1: -
Student 2: -
Student 3: -